- PCR inhibition by
reverse transcriptase leads to an overestimation of amplification
Suslov O, Steindler
DA. download
- Overview
article - Comprehensive Algorithm for
Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Sheng Zhao
Russell D. Fernald download
- Relative
quantification of mRNA: comparison of methods currently used for
real-time PCR data analysis.
S, Bukovská A, Koppel J., 2007 download
- Enhancing the
efficiency of a PCR using gold nanoparticles.
Li M, Lin YC, Wu CC, Liu HS. 2006 download
- Technical
Note - Evaluation
of Real-Time PCR
Amplification Efficiencies to Detect PCR Inhibitors
J. Kontanis and Floyd A. Reed, 2005 download
- Estimation
of the reaction
efficiency in polymerase chain reaction
Lalam, 2006
- Molelling
the PCR amplification process by a size-dependent branching process and
estimation of the efficiency
Lalam et al., 2004
- Statistical
Inference for Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction Using a Hidden
Markov Model: A Bayesian Approach Lalam,
2007 download PDF
- Evaluation
of absolute quantitation by nonlinear regression in probe-based
real-time PCR
Goll et al., 2006
- Mathematical
Model of Real-Time PCR Kinetics
et al., 2005
PCR inhibition by
reverse transcriptase leads to an overestimation of amplification
Suslov O, Steindler
Brain Institute of the University of Florida, FL, USA.
Acids Res. 2005 Nov 27;33(20):e181.

This study addresses
the problem of PCR inhibition by reverse transcriptase. It has
been shown that
the inhibition occurs mostly when a small amount of RNA is taken
for RT
reaction, and it is more visible for rarely expressed transcripts. We
show here that the
inhibition takes place regardless of what amount of template
is utilized
for RT. The inhibition possesses a global nature, i.e. the amplification
of any
given transcript may be compromised with different levels of inhibition.
process of inhibition also explains wrongfully derived PCR amplification
efficiencies, sometimes more than 100%, when the sequential dilutions
unpurified RT sample are utilized to build the calibration curve. The
RT influences PCR
not only by inhibiting it. When microgram(s) of RNA are taken
for RT
reaction, reverse transcriptase may cause overamplification of some transcripts
certain PCR conditions. The possible mechanism of RT influence on
PCR is presented,
and a purification method is implemented to remove the effects
of RT on PCR.
Absolute and
real-time PCR in the quantification of tst gene expression among
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: evaluation by two
mathematical models.
V, Foka A, Dimitracopoulos G, Spiliopoulou I.
Appl Microbiol. 2007 Nov;45(5):479-84.
of Microbiology, School of Medicine, University of Patras, Patras,

Absolute and relative quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) by the use of two mathematical
models were applied in order to study the expression of tst gene
encoding the toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1), among
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
AND RESULTS: Thirteen epidemic MRSA belonging to different clones and
carrying a variety of toxin genes were selected. tst gene expression
was achieved by using absolute and relative quantitative real-time
RT-PCR and the SYBR Green I. Absolute RT-PCR showed a statistically
significant higher level of tst expression among strains isolated
from soft tissue infections. Relative quantification was performed in
relation to 23S rRNA expression by the application of two mathematical
models, the 2(-DeltaDeltaCt) and the Pfaffl analysis methods.
tst gene expression was best calculated by the relative
real-time RT-PCR analysis applying the Pfaffl analysis method, taking
into account the reactions' efficiencies. Level of tst expression was
related to patients' infection and did not depend on the MRSA genetic
AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results indicate that the application of
the Pfaffl analysis method in the evaluation of relative real-time
RT-PCR is more adequate.
Algorithm for Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase
Chain Reaction
OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, Volume 12, Number 8, 2005

real-time polymerase chain reactions (qRT-PCR) have become the method
of choice
for rapid, sensitive, quantitative comparison of RNA transcript
abundance. Useful data from this method
depend on fitting data to theoretical curves that allow computation of
mRNA levels.
Calculating accurate mRNA levels requires important parameters such as
efficiency and the fractional cycle number at threshold (CT) to be
used; however, many algorithms
currently in use estimate these important parameters. Here we describe
an objective
method for quantifying qRT-PCR results using calculations based on the
kinetics of
individual PCR reactions without the need of the standard curve,
independent of any assumptions or subjective
judgments which allow direct calculation of efficiency and CT. We use a
logistic model to fit the raw fluorescence data as a function of PCR
cycles to identify
the exponential phase of the reaction. Next, we use a three-parameter
simple exponent model
to fit the exponential phase using an iterative nonlinear regression
algorithm. Within the
exponential portion of the curve, our technique automatically
identifies candidate regression
values using the P-value of regression and then uses a weighted average
to compute a
final efficiency for quantification. For CT determination, we chose the
first positive
second derivative maximum from the logistic model. This algorithm
provides an
objective and noise-resistant method for quantification of qRT-PCR
results that is independent of the
specific equipment used to perform PCR reactions.
quantification of mRNA: comparison of methods currently used for
real-time PCR data analysis.
Cikos S,
Bukovská A, Koppel J.
Mol Biol. 2007 Dec 20;8:113.
of Animal Physiology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Soltésovej 4,
04001 Kosice, Slovakia.

Fluorescent data obtained from real-time PCR must be processed by some
method of data
analysis to obtain the relative quantity of target mRNA. The method
chosen for
data analysis can strongly influence results of the quantification.
RESULTS: To compare the performance of six techniques which are
currently used for
analysing fluorescent data in real-time PCR relative quantification, we
quantified four cytokine transcripts (IL-1beta, IL-6 TNF-alpha, and
GM-CSF) in an in vivo model of colonic inflammation. Accuracy of the
methods was
tested by quantification on samples with known relative amounts of
target mRNAs.
Reproducibility of the methods was estimated by the determination of
intra-assay and inter-assay variability. Cytokine expression normalized
to the
expression of three reference genes (ACTB, HPRT, SDHA) was then
determined using the
six methods for data analysis. The best results were obtained with the
relative standard curve method, comparative Ct method and with
and Liu & Saint exponential methods when average amplification
efficiency was used. The use of individual amplification efficiencies
DART-PCR, LinRegPCR and Liu & Saint exponential methods
impaired the results. The sigmoid curve-fitting (SCF) method produced
performance; the results indicate that the use of appropriate type of
data and in some instances manual selection of the number of
amplification cycles
included in the analysis is necessary when the SCF method is applied.
We also
compared amplification efficiencies (E) and found that although the E
determined by different methods of analysis were not identical, all the
methods were
capable to identify two genes whose E values significantly differed
from other
CONCLUSION: Our results show that all the tested methods can provide
quantitative values reflecting the amounts of measured mRNA in samples,
but they
differ in their accuracy and reproducibility. Selection of the
method can also depend on the design of a particular experiment. The
advantages and
disadvantages of the methods in different applications are discussed.
Enhancing the
efficiency of a PCR using gold nanoparticles.
Li M, Lin YC, Wu CC, Liu HS.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Nov 27;33(21):e184.
Erratum in: Nucleic Acids Res. 2006;34(1):396.
Department of Engineering Science, National Cheng Kung University,
Tainan, Taiwan, Republic of China.

found that the PCR could be dramatically enhanced by Au nanoparticles.
With the addition of 0.7 nM of 13 nm Au nanoparticles into the PCR
reagent, the PCR efficiency was increased. Especially when maintaining
the same or higher amplification yields, the reaction time could be
shortened, and the heating/cooling rates could be increased. The
excellent heat transfer property of the nanoparticles should be the
major factor in improving the PCR efficiency.
Different PCR systems, DNA polymerases, DNA sizes and complex samples
were compared in this study. Our results demonstrated that Au
nanoparticles increase the sensitivity of PCR detection 5- to 10-fold
in a slower PCR system (i.e. conventional PCR) and at least 10(4)-fold
in a quicker PCR system (i.e. real-time PCR). After the PCR time was
shortened by half, the 100 copies/microl DNA were detectable in
real-time PCR with gold colloid added, however, at least 10(6)
copies/microl of DNA were needed to reach a detectable signal level
using the PCR reagent without gold colloid. This innovation could
improve the PCR efficiency using non-expensive polymerases, and general
PCR reagent. It is a new viewpoint in PCR, that nanoparticles can be
used to enhance PCR efficiency and shorten reaction times.
Real-Time PCR Amplification Efficiencies to Detect PCR Inhibitors
J. Kontanis and Floyd A. Reed.
Forensic Sci, July 2006, Vol. 51, No. 4

PCR analysis is a sensitive template DNA quantitation strategy that has
recently gained considerable attention in the forensic community.
However, the utility of real-time PCR methods extends beyond
quantitation and allows for simultaneous evaluation of template DNA
extraction quality. This study presents a computational method that
allows analysts to identify problematic samples with statistical
reliability by
comparing the amplification efficiencies of unknown template DNA
samples with clean standards. In this study, assays with varying
concentrations of
tannic acid are used to evaluate and adjust sample-specific
amplification efficiency calculation methods in order to optimize their
detection capabilities. Kinetic outlier detection and prediction
boundaries are calculated to identify amplification efficiency
outliers. Sample-specific
amplification efficiencies calculated over a four-cycle interval
starting at the threshold cycle can be used to detect reliably the
presence of 0.4 ng of
tannic acid in a 25 mL PCR reaction. This approach provides analysts
with a precise measure of inhibition severity when template samples are
compromised. Early detection of problematic samples allows analysts the
opportunity to consider inhibitor mitigation strategies prior to
genotype or DNA sequence analysis, thereby facilitating sample
processing in high-throughput forensic operations.
of the reaction efficiency in polymerase chain reaction.
Journal of Theoretical Biology
P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
chain reaction (PCR) is largely used in molecular biology for
increasing the copy number of a specific DNA fragment. The succession
of 20
replication cycles makes it possible to multiply the quantity of the
fragment of interest by a factor of 1 million. The PCR technique
revolutionized genomics research. Several quantification methodologies
are available to determine the DNA replication efficiency
of the
reaction which is the probability of replication of a DNA molecule at a
replication cycle. We elaborate a quantification procedure
based on
the exponential phase and the early saturation phase of PCR. The
reaction efficiency is supposed to be constant in the
phase, and decreasing in the saturation phase. We propose to model the
PCR amplification process by a branching process which
as a Galton–Watson branching process followed by a size-dependent
process. Using this stochastic modelling and the
least-squares estimation method, we infer the reaction efficiency from a
single PCR trajectory.
the PCR amplification process by a size-dependent branching process and
estimation of the efficiency.
N, Jacob C. and Jagers P.
Appl. Prob. (2004) 36: 601-612
propose a stochastic modelling of the PCR amplification process by a
size dependent branching process starting as a supercritical
Bienayme-Galton-Watson transient phase and then having a saturation
near-critical size-dependent phase. This model allows us to estimate
the probability of the replication of the DNA molecule at each cycle of
a single PCR trajectory with a very good accuracy.
Inference for Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction Using a Hidden
Markov Model:
A Bayesian Approach
Lalam, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology: Vol. 6 : Iss. 1,
Article 10.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (Q-PCR) aims at determining the initial
quantity of specific nucleic acids from the observation of the number
of amplified DNA molecules. The most widely used technology to monitor
the number of DNA molecules as they replicate is based on fluorescence
chemistry. Considering this measurement technique, the observation of
DNA amplification by PCR contains intrinsically two kinds of
variability. On the one hand, the number of replicated DNA molecules is
random, and on the other hand, the measurement of the fluorescence
emitted by the DNA molecules is collected with some random error.
Relying on a stochastic model of these two types of variability, we aim
at providing estimators of the parameters arising in the proposed
model, and, more specifically, of the initial amount of molecules. The
theory of branching processes is classically used to model the
evolution of the number of DNA molecules at each replication cycle. The
model is a binary splitting Galton-Watson branching process. Its
unknown parameters are the initial number of DNA molecules and the
reaction efficiency of PCR, which is defined as the probability of
replication of a DNA molecule. The number of DNA molecules is
indirectly observed through noisy fluorescence measurements resulting
in a so-called Hidden Markov Model. We aim at inference of the
parameters of the underlying branching process, and the parameters of
the noise from the fluorescence measurements in a Bayesian framework.
Using simulations and experimental data, we investigate the performance
of the Bayesian estimators obtained by Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods.
Model of Real-Time PCR Kinetics.
Jana L.
Gevertz,1 Stanley M. Dunn,1 Charles M. Roth1,2
of Biomedical Engineering, Rutgers University, Piscataway,
New Jersey
of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, Rutgers
98 Brett
Road, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854
2005 Nov 5;92(3):346-55.

Abstract: Several
real-time PCR (rtPCR) quantification techniques are
currently used to determine the expression levels of individual genes
from rtPCR data in the form of fluorescence intensities. In most of
these quantification techniques, it is assumed that the efficiency of
rtPCR is constant. Our analysis of rtPCR data shows, however, that even
during the exponential phase of rtPCR, the efficiency of the reaction
is not constant, but is instead a function of cycle number. In order to
understand better the mechanisms belying this behavior, we have
developed a mathematical model of the annealing and extension phases of
the PCR process. Using the model, we can simulate the PCR process over
a series of reaction cycles. The model thus allows us to predict the
efficiency of rtPCR at any cycle number, given a set of initial
conditions and parameter values, which can mostly be estimated from
biophysical data. The model predicts a precipitous decrease in cycle
efficiency when the product concentration reaches a sufficient level
for template–template reannealing to compete with primer-template
annealing; this behavior is consistent with available experimental
data. The quantitative understanding of rtPCR provided by this model
can allow us to develop more accurate methods to quantify gene
expression levels from rtPCR data.
of absolute quantitation by nonlinear regression in probe-based
real-time PCR.
Goll, Trine Olsen, Guanglin Cui and Jon Florholmen
Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tromso, Tromso,
Department of gastroenterology, University hospital of
Northern Norway, Tromso, Norway
BMC Bioinformatics 2006, 7:107 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-7-107

In real-time PCR data
analysis, the cycle threshold (CT) method is currently the gold
standard. This method is based on an assumption of equal PCR efficiency
in all reactions, and precision may suffer if this condition is not
met. Nonlinear regressionanalysis (NLR) or curve fitting has therefore
been suggested as an alternative to the cycle threshold method for
absolute quantitation. The advantages of NLR are that the individual
sample efficiency is simulated by the model and that absolute
quantitation is possible without a standard curve, releasing reaction
wells for unknown samples. However, the calculation method has not been
evaluated systematically and has not previously been applied to a
TaqMan platform. Aim: To develop and evaluate an automated NLR
algorithm capable of generating batch production regression
analysis.Total RNA samples extracted from human gastric mucosa were
reverse transcribed and analysed for TNFA, IL18 and ACTB by TaqMan
real-time PCR. Fluorescence data were analysed by the regular CT method
with a standard curve, and by NLR with a positive control for
conversion of fluorescence intensity to copy number, and for this
purpose an automated algorithm was written in SPSS syntax. Eleven
separate regression models were tested, and the output data was
subjected to Altman-Bland analysis. The
Altman-Bland analysis showed that the best regression model yielded
quantitative data with an intra-assay variation of 58% vs. 24% for the
CT derived copy numbers, and with a mean inter-method deviation of
x0.8. NLR
can be automated for batch production analysis, but the CT method is
more precise for absolute quantitation in the present setting. The
observed inter-method deviation is an indication that assessment of the
fluorescence conversion factor used in the regression method can be
improved. However, the versatility depends on the level of precision
required, and in some settings the increased cost effectiveness of NLR
may justify the lower precision.
real-time RT-PCR based transcriptomics: Improvement of
evaluation methods.
PhD. Thesis - Ales
Lehrstuhl für
Physiologie, Fakultät Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan,
Technische Universität München, Germany.
real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) is a new method for
reliable quantification of low-abundance mRNA in biological samples.
Since the strength of the fluorescence signal emitted by the report dye
should be proportional to the produced DNA amount, the fluorescence
monitoring enables visualisation of the full reaction trajectory. The
reaction trajectory can be then extrapolated back to an input
extraction can introduce unwanted contaminants into the sample,
inhibiting the reverse transcription (RT) as well as the PCR reaction.
These inhibitions cause then the reaction to precede sample-specific.
In addition, the amplification efficiency varies not only between
samples, but also along the recorded amplification trajectory of a
single sample. Consequently, a correct determination of each probe’s
PCR efficiency as well as a good standardization of the raw expression
estimators is of great importance for a correct interpretation of
To find
a solution to above problems a series of biological experiments with
RNA extracted from various ovine and bovine tissues and from cultured
leukocytes was carried out. Constant amount of RNA was then
reverse–transcribed to cDNA. All PCR runs were performed on a
LightCycler instrument and Fluorescence data was saved in the
LightCycler software.
Based on
this data, mathematical models together with statistical procedures
were developed and validated. These can investigate the optimal
quantification range and exactly determine its real-time PCR
efficiency. Additionally, methods were developed to disclose
heterogeneity between probes. All these procedures contribute to better
quality of results obtained. Resulting from these standardisations, a
decision algorithm for a proper analysis of the qRT-PCR data was